Homepraktika "goes" all over Greece!
Once you order, we process the order and inform you about the exact shipping time which depends only on the products,
as some are not immediately available and need 4 more days to reach your place.
In the immediately available products the deliveries are made with the cooperating courier companies, daily 9:00 - 17:00.
Shipping calculation Shipping charges: 0-3kg 3.70 euros 3-8Kg 6 euros 8kg + +1 euros / Kg COD: 2.50 euros Delivery Saturday: 3.70 euros
Shipping costs arise from the weight and / or volume of the product and the accessibility of the place of shipment.
You should check your products within 48 hours of receiving them to make sure they are the products you ordered and are in good condition.
Otherwise returns of the products are not accepted.